Precisely Strategy

Blog Consulting

A blog is the short form for a "Web Log". A web log is nothing but a daily log written by a blogger. This is like a personal journal, where you write about some unforgettable or important events that occurred on a given day.

I remember my daughter writing a diary daily and many friends journaling. But now it is rather a full blown website, which is updated regularly.

A blog is indeed a very powerful way to get inside the mind of your web guest. Although a blog is technically a platform for publishing content, blogging enables an interaction between your business and the guest on a mass scale. Many established Organizations are taking advantage of blogging and is using this as an effective blog marketing tool.

Why do small business owners blog for their business? Often small business owners think they will start a blog because they’ve heard it will help them achieve better search engine placement. Or they’ve heard blogs are free and you can start a blog instead of paying a web designer to build your business a website. Or someone they trust has told them, “You gotta start a blog.” This might be why you look closely at blogging, but it isn’t the true reason why business people should blog.

The real reason a business owner should publish a blog is >>>MORE

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Blog Content & Promotion


Secret Tactics to Succeed at Blogging and Skyrocket Your Income Through The Roof... Guaranteed!


What about blog content writing? They say, content is king. An essential element of 'Blog Marketing', and I would agree to that. But it should be original and not revised.

Remember that you will have to do a blog post at least once in a week, to get your blogs any attention from the search engines. An effective blog marketing starts with your Blog content, and, writing is indeed hard and time consuming, especially if you do not have a good knowledge of your topic.

This is exactly like writing articles. You have options to research the topic and write about it, or outsource your article and blog writing. I am always in favor of original content with your own voice and spin. Your website will have your original and unique content, which will pre-sell your visitor on the offers that you have.

Your blog is a tool for your website promotion. Google may rate a blog favorably that has duplicate content. Still be cautious using the content generators, which snatch content from related and relevant websites and blogs, and slightly modify it, are very high in demand. Just keep in mind that your snatched content will not be rated as high as your own content. Blog Promotion:

Here is a list of the key promotion strategies for your blog that you should implement:

  •  On page SEO strategies (Keywords, Title tags, Meta tags etc.)
  • Off page strategies (Link building - one way, two way and three way links)
  • Article Marketing
  • Blog Marketing
  • Social Media and Social Networking
Blog promotion is just like any website promotion.
If you are an Entrepreneur or want to be an internet marketer why blog? To make money. What are the ways that you can make money with blogs? Plenty. To start with, if you are a good writer with good knowledge of your topics, it can be anything, then you should blog for money.

Here are some of the popular ways you can make money with blogs:
  •  Contextual Ads (Adsense, Chikita etc.)
  •  Affiliate programs ·
  • CPA programs
  •  Advertisements on your blog 
  • Selling the blog for cash (site flipping) 
  • Selling links to other websites and blogs.
As you can see there are plenty of avenues to make money with your blogs.

Website promotion

You can use the blog to leverage on your blog marketing strategy and gain speedier “Search Engine Positioning” and ranking. You just need to know how to create a blog properly with all the on- page and off -page strategies in place. Although blog marketing may look simple, trust me it is not a lay down hand. There can be a lot of manual work involved.

Here are the essential steps in blog marketing: * Create a blog * Blog writing and blog content * Blog promotion * Analysis and metrics * Blog maintenance (Blog comments, hosting and server management).

You certainly can do all of them yourself, then but there are other options.

  • Automate 
  • Outsource
Let’s focus on automation. Tools are a BIG part of your Blog Marketing. Automate the following components of your blog marketing strategy: · Creating a blog · Blog content · Blog promotion · Analysis and metrics >>>>MORE


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